Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tuesday November 15, 2011

Today is Tuesday Noveber 15th and I am so Thanful for Friends.  Friendships seem to be the stitching in life. They usually know just what to say and when to say it!  I LOVE my friends!!

It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about Lunch?" ~Winnie the Pooh

I just KNOW, I cant be the only one with days like this! One child gets home from school and all is going smoothly... the next child walks in and oh my... you'd think that we just had a tornato! Bickering and arguing about the most rediculous things! It makes the night go by so darn slow and not very fun at all. Homework then takes longer and no quality family time gets spent together.  I really try to prepare ahead of time for days like this. such as snacks ready, desks clear and ready to dive into homework! They get a break between school and homework, so Im not sure what is going wrong! Feedback would be SO helpful! :o)

On the lighter side of things. This is the last week of school until Thanksgiving break.  I just love it when we dont have school and a very specific structure to follow.  The kids and I seem to be happier during these times, much less stress!

I am trying to plan some game nights and movie nights to help us celebrate this holiday season. I am thinking that "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" is tops on the list, I think "Home for the Holidays" is fitting and my little one loves to curl up and watch a drama type shows with me.  I will of course let them pick their own movie and we can make popcorn and hot cocoa.  Now, I plan these great family times together, however there seems to always be a hiccup in it.  Someone got someones seat first, someone is blocking the TV, chewing too loud, playing with an animal or two.... anyways you get the picture and one parent ends up getting fed up and WHAM... there went the wonderfully planned, dreamed ...quality family time.  I know, I can't be the only one who has episodes like this.  How do you do your family time? how do you prepare for melt downs?

“I’m sorry to say so but, sadly it’s true that bang-ups and hang-ups can happen to you”
~ Dr. Suess

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